王老师,山东大学管理学院副研究员,入选山东大学青年学者未来计划,荣获2020年管理科学与工程学会优秀博士学位论文奖(每年10篇)。研究方向为交通运输规划与管理、交通运输系统建模与分析等。相关研究成果发表在交通运输管理领域顶级期刊《Transportation Research Part B》、《Transportation Research Part E》,以及《Physica A》、《系统工程理论与实践》等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,参与多项科研项目(包括“973”项目,国家自然科学基金重大项目等),多次参加国内外学术会议并作学术报告。
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Before introducing the modeframework,the main assumptions in this study are listed here.
(A1).The total trave demand is fixed and given. Commuters are assumed to be homogenous, from the value of time to the schedule delay penalties.All travelers have their own cars.and are subject to identicaldesired arrival time at the (single)destination.
(A2).The ridesharing platform adopts the VCS for commuters on shared trips. In accordance with the assumption of piecewise linear travel time and queuing delays, and the piecewise constant departure rates in the traditional bottleneck model for the morning commute problems charging and compens assumed as piecewise linear functions with departure time.
该论文提到“Before introducing the modeframework”(在介绍文章框架前),“the main assumptions in this study are listed here”(在此列出本研究的主要假设)。紧接着分别介绍A1怎样,A2怎样,细分条目,将这个假设阐释清楚。
2.1. Realized customer demand
A typical day is subdivided into numerous time periods of equal length, during which customer demand varies. For a certain time period, let λ denote the total travel demand, λE the realized demand for express mode and λL the realized demand for limousine mode.
2.2. Realized driver supply
Let K be the total number of registered drivers who may provide ride service during a certain time period, i.e., K is the maximum number of service providers who are eligible to participate in the program. To capture the heterogeneity of drivers, we assume that the quality of their cars varies across the whole. A straightforward measurement to judge the car's quality is the car's price. Generally, expensive cars are of higher quality than that of cheap cars, and drivers with expensive cars have higher reservation value than those with cheap cars. The reservation value corresponds to the driver's minimum wage for work participation. To model the heterogeneity among service providers, we define g as the reservation value of each registered driver and let it spread over the range [0, 1]. It follows a cumulative distribution function G( • ) with G(0) = 0 and G(1) = 1. To simplify our analysis and obtain analytical results, we assume g is uniformly distributed, i.e., g ∼ U[0, 1]. In this way, the evaluated price of a car is associated with the reservation value of the car's driver.
2.3. Formulation of the platform's problem
For each time period, the ride service platform uses pi, wi and to maximize its profit. The platform earns an average profit of (pi − wi)Qi from the i-service mode, i ∈ {E, L}, where Qi = min {λi,ki}, λi and ki are, respectively given by Propositions 1 and 2. Then, the platform's problem can be formulated as the following mathematical programming model
alt="论文正文写作的5个注意事项与案例分析" >上文“2.1.Realized customer demand”(已实现的乘客需求),即该部分主要介绍了乘客需求,后面还有更详细的展开,这里我就不再赘述了。“2.2.Realized driver supply”(已实现的司机供给),即在该部分主要介绍司机的供给,我将乘客需求和司机供给划分得很明确,绝对不会混着讲。接下来是“2.3.Formulation of the platform's problem”(平台问题的提出),开始介绍平台的问题。我在正文部分是分模块进行介绍的,第一个模块单独介绍乘客需求,讲完需求后,在第二个模块介绍供给,然后进入第三个模块,阐述平台问题。平铺直叙,传达信息明确分部分进行叙述,这也充分体现了我是从读者的角度出发,来展开正文的。
alt="论文正文写作的5个注意事项与案例分析" >近期爆款福利推荐